Representatives of Panavial S.A. and the Ministry of Transport and Public Works (MTOP) signed this June 22, 2020 an additional contract to the road concession, for the execution of priority works in the section Bolivar – Juncal. The intervention will be...
The Ministry of Transportation and Public Works, through Concesionaria Panamericana Vial S.A. Panavial, October 31 2019, is building a vehicular bridge over the “El Tejar” ravine in the Otavalo ring road, with an approximate length of 40 m. Therefore, it...
The Ministry of Transport and Public Works, through Concesionaria Panamericana Vial S.A. Panavial, june 01 2019, is carrying out the construction of the collector on the Quebrada Jalupana at the kilometer 2+750 of the section Tambillo-Colibrí, the intervention of...
START OF OPERATION PINTAG TOLL STATION DATE: 1 AUGUST 2020 AT 6.00 H LOCATION: KM 256 +756 OF THE PANAMERICANA HIGHWAY E35 HUMMINGBIRD – PIFO SECTION Number of lanes: The track has two lanes in each direction with a central parterre of 2.80 m....